The role of the Governing Body is established in law and gives Governors wide-ranging statutory duties and responsibilities, including a key requirement to promote high standards of educational achievement. Whilst the day to day operational management of the school is the responsibility of the Headteacher, Mr Rhys Jones, he is accountable to the Governing Body for the conduct of the school.

The aim of the Governing Body is therefore to work in close partnership with the Head Teacher and staff to provide the best possible education for pupils in the school. The Governing Body has a strategic role of setting the framework within which the school is run; setting the aims, objectives and policies for the school; also setting targets and monitoring and reviewing progress; acting as a “critical friend”; and monitoring the expenditure of the school budget. The Governors also have to be accountable. This Report to parents is an important means of achieving that accountability.

As a general rule, no Governor acts an individual. All decisions are therefore made by the Governors jointly, or alternatively by Committees where specific functions or powers have been delegated to them.

The Governors operate a system of sub-committees which have agreed remits and Terms of Reference and aim to report back each term to the full Governing Body. Each sub-committee manages, supports and oversees different areas of school life, including Finance; Admissions; Curriculum and Standards; Premises and Health and Safety; Staffing and Personnel, Well being and Safeguarding. In addition, ad hoc Working Groups are set up as required to look into particular issues and make recommendations back to the full Governing Body. 

The current sturcture of the Governing Body is as follows: 

Mrs Margaret Nelson

Chair of Governors 

Mrs Caroline Neuddeg

Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Mary Llewellyn

Community Governor

Mr Shaun Trigg

Local Authority Governor 

Mr Graeme Smith

Minor Authority Representative Governor

Mrs Sarah Trigg

Teaching Governor 

Mr Iain Purdy

Parent Governor 

Mrs Natasha Russ

Parent Governor

Mrs Anna Adams

Parent Governor 

Mr Dorian Davies

Parent Governor

Ms Nicky Sturgess


Mr Rhys Jones


Mrs Jen Shewell

Deputy Headteacher